One Stop Elevator Solution
We provide top-notch lift & elevators to meet all your needs. Traction, Capsule, Passenger, Bed & Car Lift. Escalators too.
Frequently Asked Questions
All your questions about the our industry answered.
Why to choose us over others?
We provide the "A" grade product of china which is manufactured by Japanese Technology.
Do you provide maintenance and repair services?
Yes, we offer comprehensive maintenance and repair services to ensure the longevity and safety of our products.
Can you supply real spare parts of elevators?
Yes, of course! We can only supply the original one.
What types of elevators and escalators do you offer?
We offer a variety of elevators and escalators suitable for different building types and uses, including hydraulic/car elevator, hospital/bed lift, passenger elevator, panoramic elevator.
Can We buy the same product from any other company?
No, you won't find our elevator in other companies, because we are the sole agent of EPSS(international) in Bangladesh.
How can I contact your customer service team?
Our customer service team can be reached via phone, email, or through our website’s contact form.
If you have any questions let us know
Do you have any questions? Write and our specialists will answer you.